Monday, September 23, 2013

A Fresh Start

Hi Everyone!
I am trying to get back on blogger.  I had another blog , but decided that I needed a fresh start.  I still have the other one up, so that the freebies and such that I loaded are still there for all of my teacher, parent, tutor friends!

The title may lead you to think this blog is only for a teacher.  However, you have to broaden your definition of teacher.  This isn't just for a teacher in a school setting, but also for the homeschool community, those training to be teachers, parents, tutors, and other friends of the blog who may find it useful.  I think we all are teachers in one way or another.

I hope that the ideas I share along the way will be helpful to you.  I also can't wait to learn from you as well.

Let's get started!
